Product Page Tune-Up: 6 Smart Ways to Boost Conversions

Every online visitor you get is a potential customer. The thing is — they just don’t know it yet!

When people browse online stores, the majority of them have their minds already made up and are keen on buying something; they just need a shove in the right direction. Now, this is where a well-crafted product page comes into play.

You see, it’s exactly on the product page that most of these online shoppers make their purchasing decisions — hence why having a properly tuned-up product page is so important.

According to , the average Jeff Bullas e-commerce store has a bounce rate of just 45.68%! Meaning, you have a nearly 50–50 chance of losing all your prospective customers.

Does your site fit into this category? If so, take a good look at this article and get ready to get your hands dirty with some smart ways to tune-up your product page.

1. A Need for Speed

As with any other online page, if it loads at a snail’s pace, you’ll quickly lose the interest of your customers; the slower it is, the less it will convert. Meaning, you need to redouble your efforts in making sure that your page is highly responsive and properly optimized.

2. Cut to the Chase

Once you grab their attention, you can then go into more detail and provide some additional context, but keep it nice and brief.

3. Understand Your Target Audience and Their Needs

They know how to create an exceptional user experience for their customers from the information they gather. So, follow in their footsteps or ask for assistance if you want to hit the bulls-eye with your product page.

4. Use Smart Visuals

Would you ever buy a pair of sneakers without first seeing what they looked like? Probably not. The same goes for your product page — you need to provide your customers with exciting, high-quality visuals to spark their curiosity. Use different-angled shots so your customers get a good idea of what the product looks like. What’s more, optimize your images so they don’t eat up all of your memory (and space) — remember, you want your product page to load lightning fast. Resize and compress your images (GIF, JPEG, PNG formats) with free online tools and keep them below 80kb.

5. Add Countdown Timers to Create Urgency

This will not only make them more responsive but you’ll also convert a lot faster. Just be sure to add warning messages such as “time is running out,” “special offer ends in,” etc. to accompany your timers for better results.

6. Showcase Testimonials and Personal Reviews

Therefore, enable easy access for your customers to leave down honest reviews on your product pages. In addition, do follow-ups on each purchase in a week or two via email and ask your customers to leave a personal review of the product if possible.

When it comes to e-commerce — conversion is key. Don’t just rack up your online traffic and hope for the best. Instead, use these (and many other techniques) that you have at your disposal. Work hard on creating concise, visually stunning, and responsive product pages. In the end, just remember: online shoppers are there for a reason — they want to buy stuff. Make them an offer they cannot refuse!

Bio: My name is Raul, editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. You can reach me out on Twitter.

Originally published at on August 19, 2019.

